PkgBot Status:   [Systems Online] (Watch for bugs...)

PkgBot will record software version history for Jamf Pro.

PkgBot is an automation framework for the open source project AutoPkg that provides a web-based front end and a Slack Bot to send notifications and receive commands. It helps manage the lifecycle of software packaging through package and version validation and then provides an interactive method to "promote" a specific package version from "development" (or "test") to production environments.

PkgBot provides this workflow utilizing Jamf Pro and the JamfUploader line of Processors. A Slack Bot is used to send new build notifications and allows a PkgBot Admin to interact with those notifications.

This site provides visibility into third party software version history including each packages' current status, plus details on the available AutoPkg recipes.

We hope this project promotes more collaboration with Deskside groups to validate software .pkgs before they're made available in production and to customer systems.